Capital Campaign Overview

A Two Phase Project & Campaign

The New Humanitarian Center Building Project will be built
in two phases, all dependent on funds raised.

Phase One Goal: $1.7 M

Phase Two Goal: $1.7 M*

Total Amount Needed: $3.4 M


* Phase Two total will be reduced by ~15% if funds are
raised by Fall 2024


The Capital Campaign for Phase One of the New Humanitarian
Center is underway. Groundbreaking is estimated to take place September 2024.

Campaign Progress as of May 1,2024

Phase One Goal: $1.7 M

Amount Raised: $1,178,935

Amount Remains: $521,065

Mabee Foundation Challenge Grant

The Mabee Foundation will generously contribute the last $100,000 needed to complete Phase One. In order to receive payment on this challenge grant, $422,000 must be raised by 4/9/25. Every donation received towards the Phase One goal will now help us unlock this Challenge Grant from the Mabee Foundation.